About Neosho C. Ponder

Neosho C. Ponder, Ph.D. symbolizes perseverance, strength, and resilience. This left-handed, professional auntie is an educator, author, consultant, and woman of faith. In 2016, one year after graduating from Howard University with a Ph.D. in Communication, Culture, and Media Studies, her life took a sharp turn, when she discovered a lump in her left breast. By recounting the hardships of unexpected homelessness, chemo treatment, surgical complications, losing loved ones, and the day-to-day journey through cancer, Neosho explores how the intersection of her faith in God, resilience, and humor saved her in her first book, God’s Got Jokes.

By connecting with God, communicating her life through her stories, and collecting valuable memories along the way with loved ones, strangers, and everyone in between, Neosho has been blessed to share her story with the world.


There is no productivity in guilt.

Despite whatever you are going through, it will get better!

Everything in life begins with an idea and whatever it is, the way it is told will make all the difference.

Be clear, be confident and be spontaneous because the beauty of life stems from the fact that it’s going to continue to evolve, and you will continue to evolve with it. The first goal should be to make life feel right for right now and later will take care of itself.

Faith and prayer do not go with fear and worry

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