chapter 5
NDA: Neosho disclosure agreement
It got more and more difficult to disclose my diagnosis, so I developed a script that I call the Neosho Disclosure Agreement. It protected me from emotional breakdowns.
Me and my 'crazy' cousin, Tina
If you REALLY know me, then you know, I love me some MJ (bofum), but Jackson is my boo.
In Vegas with Pam about to hit the Strip
On the Strip in Vegas, same day as Muhammad Ali's funeral
Paint & Sip for Kris' bday
June wedding
Celebrating 35th Bday in DC
After a night of teaching, fun with B at Clydes
My girl, J, joined me at the Royals game at Camden in Bmore
My mama took this pic! I was ready to FIGHT like Ali
My cousin, Stacey, bought me this scarf for my bday
In the Valley at Howard in front of Fortitude
India (my fro) in all her glory!
Heading out for my 33rd bday
Heading out for my 34th bday. Brandon hosted a gathering at Hanks. #IYKYK
I will always rep for my 'Boys
Celebrating my homie, John's PhD graduation
The friend I stole. We met the day before this pic and have been friends every since.
My Soror, Najeema, joined me at church after my diagnosis
Celebrating my Soror, Jazmine's move to New Zealand
Celebrating my mentee, Jasmin's bday
Me and Phil, watching the hometown team play in Bmore.
Supporting my fav comedian and one of my favorite humans, Ron, in Bmore.
My first roommates in the DMV and we are STILL friends. When I told them about Clarence, they cooked me and Pam dinner.
My Soror, Angelique, celebrating my 35th bday
The one who helped me craft the NDA. My prayer warrior, caretaker, and sista-frien, Rev. Chania Dillard
I was scared to tell my linesisters, so I did a conference call with my Dean and ADP.